The Lookout on RNC RADIO

Gundam Fight, Set! Ready? GO! 

This week, it's Dee vs Jay, as they discuss the Gundam show that Dee hates & Jay loves - G Gundam. They talk the Good, Bad & the Ridiculous of one of the most divisive Gundam series and the Gundam Fight tournament that takes place during it. Tune in to find out what makes the show a major hit for some & a wide miss for others. 

Follow The Lookout Network on Twitter: @TheLookoutRNC
Follow Dee on Twitter: @DeeWeTrust
Follow Jay on Twitter: @VersaceVegeta_

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Welcome to The Lookout on RNC RADIO, home of The Lookout Podcast, Mt. Silver Podcast, Subs Lie, Dubs Lie and all other content exploring anime.