Lessons & Ideas

I find a lot of comfort and guidance in my religion. 

Now I fully get each and every person has an individual relationship with God, but I frequently find a lot of inspiration in scripture.  And the beauty of scripture is that you don’t need to even be religious to be inspired by the words.

Today I want to share with you a particular passage that inspired me. One that reassured me that I am doing the right thing, and that I am indeed on the right path.

Have a listen right here

I hope this inspires you today and settles your heart.

What is Lessons & Ideas?

Get an unfiltered look behind the scenes of a 7-figure online business. Follow along as I learn how to grow the company and become a better leader.

The episodes range from my personal lessons and ideas to private team meetings and recorded calls with other business leaders.

If you want to peek inside the brain and business of someone in the trenches of marketing, leadership and hiring, this podcast might be for you.