Transformative Principal

This episode is part of the Summer of AI Series, brought to you by SchoolAI, Scrible, and FocalPointK12.

  • What is journey modeling? 
  • Take a look at what decisions people make and what it means for your potential people to look for you
  • What brings true value to your School/District?
  • Where are you bringing value to your employee and where are they bringing value to you? 
  • What skill sets are you looking for and are articulated in the 
  • Bringing people into your fold before you really get them in the door. 
  • You want to appeal to the individual and create a customer experience.
  • Weird to think of these future employees as a customer of your district. 
  • How are people seeing you? And what are they seeing? 
  • Are your messages being seen in a positive way? 
  • Identify a friction point and how you could turn that into a touchpoint
  • How could you use LinkedIn in a more effective manner? 
  • Engage with your constituents - go and ask what people are saying. 
  • It’s valuable to know each student’s name, but have you talked to every parent? 
  • Collaborative
  • Job descriptions from old-school approaches. 
  • Key drivers for specific generations. 
  • Value talents and skillsets in that job description
  • Expectations around the job and the process
  • How do you make people feel wanted? 
  • Relationships and setting expectations.
  • HR does have the opportunity to grow here. 
  • You can still communicate. 
  • You can automate many of these sequences. 
  • Automate what you can
  • New Hire Onramp Email Template
  • Journey Model - teachers saw that they weren’t hearing from districts during a period of time over the summer. 
  • People expect a certain level of interaction with schools and districts to understand what is going on. 
  • Showing them what it is to be in the community. 
  • Journey Model components - catalyst, question-asking, touchpoints (community, benefits, etc.), decision-making process, after acceptance, on ramping, continuing
  • Identifying key focus areas

About Molly McGowan Gorsuch, APR

Director of Client Engagement at Rhodes Branding
Molly is the liaison between education leaders and Rhodes Branding, connecting the K-12 community with services designed to accelerate performance and market position. She leads content and partner engagement strategy and is a frequent conference presenter and podcast/blog guest.

You can find me on LinkedIn, or @MollyMGorsuch on Twitter. 

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SchoolAI: The Classroom Operating System: Help your teachers save 10 hours a week. Sign up for a free account and see new AI-generated experiences that will change the way you teach.
Scrible: Worried about AI Plagiarism? Take the high road and improve your students' skills before they feel the need to cheat with this modern research and writing platform for school
FocalPointK12: Manage student portfolios that they can take with them with blockchain technology and AI assisted grading. Listen to our interview with the founder and chief learning officer here.

Creators & Guests

Jethro Jones

What is Transformative Principal?

Jethro Jones interviews instructional leaders from around the nation to learn and teach what it takes to become a transformative principal. Episodes address topics like Response to Intervention (RTI), Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), the latest advances in educational research, standards-based grading, and interviews with industry leaders like Bill Daggett, Rick Wormeli, Todd Whitaker and even people outside the education like Seth Godin, JeVon McCormick, Liz Wiseman, and more.