
Jill Ensminger, mom of three, joins us this week to share her story of her oldest daughter going to college and the detrimental effect it had on her. She talks about how as parents we have to be so strong for our children and in this case she did not prepare herself for this huge milestone in her life. Jill’s journey is so relatable and packed with advice and resources to make any transition we come across as a mom smoother. Soaking up every moment we have with our children, because as we know time flies! You might feel like your kids are too young and they are never leaving the house. Listen in as we go over relationship building with our children to ensure that strong connection when they do independently leave the house. Her wisdom is incredible!!
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What is Empowerhood?

Listen to interviews of REAL moms with all very different experiences that have made them who they are today. MOTHERHOOD IS HARD. Empowerhood is your one stop shop for all your parenting needs. Providing support, encouragement and resources for moms all over the world. Join us each week as we discover the why behind each incredible mama! Every trial can be turned into a triumph, and we all have a story.