TRANSlating Everything

Justice for Aden is justice for all.

Welcome to TRANSlating Everything with another occasional news update. It’s Sunday, April 30, 2023, and I’m Stephenie Magister.

When medical needs force us to disclose our trans backgrounds, can we rely on doctors to act as allies?

When those doctors betray us, can we rely on the health industry itself to react with compassion for victims and consequence for perpetrators?

When that system instead empowers those doctors and silences their victims, can we at least turn to the public for help building a better way forward?

In today’s main story, a sexual assault survivor’s testimony alleges that the Michigan Medical Board’s lack of action continues to empower future sexual assaults by the same doctor treating patients with trans medical backgrounds.

What you permit, you promote. What you promote, you empower.

We need the resources to fight back.

And of course there’s often no better fire for championing trans rights than those privileged British dudes who speak in our favor. That’s why before we get to our main story, we need to talk about Jon Oliver’s coverage of trans people with his ongoing show Last Week Tonight.

Clips from Last Week Tonight (Warner Bros)
The Problem with Jon Stewart (AppleTV)
Aden Polydoros's TikTok

TRANSlating Everything is by Stephenie Magister and occasional guests.

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