Connected Divergents

Have you heard me talk about "following your dopamine" but struggle to feel what your intuitive pulls/calls/longings are? If following your dopamine feels challenging, that makes sense. This is a mental muscle, a spiritual skill, that we've often not been taught how to develop. It gets overcome by "shoulds" and shame. We were taught not to listen to our intuitive pulls because they're childish, immature, lazy, or wasteful. But the concept of "following your dopamine" is a critical skill when it comes to trusting ourselves and learning how to meet our needs. Learning how to answer the questions of, "What do I need right now?" "What does my brain need right now?" "What does my nervous system need right now to feel safe and supported?" Here's a quick and simple tool for learning how to follow your dopamine when it doesn't feel intuitive quite just yet. If it helps you, please share your results with me! I would love to hear it!

What is Connected Divergents?

Learn how to work with your executive dysfunction instead of always feeling like you're trying to fight against it. I'm a Radical ADHD & AuDHD Acceptance Coach, and I teach a harm-reduction approach to ADHD & executive functioning so you can step into your neurodivergence and feel at home in your ADHD brain.