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OK Gardens

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Creators & Guests

Georgia Norton-Hall
Deer Feeder
Michael Green
Sedentary Landscaper

What is OK Gardens?

Prepare for an entirely novel experience -- a respite of precious sanity in the midst of a crazy, tumultuous world. Enjoy intimate visits with International at his cozy cottage cabin that doesn't really exist but is nestled in a magical woods far away from the cares of the real world, which is just all illusion anyway. Warm yourself by the sound effects of the crackling fire; sip imaginary hot chocolate with bobbing, fictional marshmallows, while the two of you solve the problem of world peace together. Don't forget to pretend to take your shoes off at the door or International might get mad! It's a shoeless environment, if it was real, which it is (but also isn't -- just come visit, and you'll understand).

The part that's real for sure (besides the part that isn't, which also is) is how the Creator has given us, his human creations, the power to bring peace to this troubled planet today, right now, and manifest the kind of global transformation that we so desperately long to see. Don't think you have that power? Take another imaginary sip of cocoa -- you do!! Yes, you can actually change the world and find hope again, just by investing in the narrative of peace that the Creator has given us, a narrative that International and others are helping to tell every single day. And by having fun -- serious fun, that is. The kind of precision fun that delivers a hefty wallop to the world because it's informed by the vast stores of transcendent experience, knowledge and wisdom that International has acquired over many decades being trained by non-material beings to become the master guru-mentor and creation artist that he is today.

Every visit, you and International will:

1. Learn to express authentically in the present moment
2. Connect powerfully with another human in New World Consciousness
3. Hunt down and annihilate destructive pockets of hidden shame
4. Fearlessly press the boundaries of creativity
5. Send the devil and his demon crew packing

All while having heap loads of serious fun doing it!!!

Take advantage of this unique invitation. Not everybody can say they hung out with International alone. I can't believe he invited you! I'm jealous. He just told me to write the podcast description. Asshole. Sometimes I think International is such a jerk, and I hate him so much!! But then I love him so much too. He changed my entire life. Saved it, actually. You'll see what I mean. Don't miss this opportunity. International is waiting for you by the fire. Crackle, crackle.