Page by Page - Shaykh Ahsan Hanif

Page by Page - Shaykh Ahsan Hanif Trailer Bonus Episode 3 Season 9

Page 164 - The Miracles of Prophet Musa عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام

Page 164 - The Miracles of Prophet Musa عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلامPage 164 - The Miracles of Prophet Musa عَلَیهِ‌ السَّلام

In this lesson of Sūrah Al-A’rāf, verses 103-114, Shaykh Dr. Aḥsan Ḥanīf explores the story of Prophet Mūsa عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام and his mission to confront Fir’awn (Pharaoh) and his people with the message of Allāh عَزَّوَجَلَّ. Mūsa عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام is sent with clear signs, including his staff transforming into a serpent and his hand becoming radiant when he withdraws it from his cloak, demonstrating the truth of Mūsa’s prophethood. Fir’awn, however, reacts with arrogance, dismissing Musa’s miracles as mere magic. The verses describe Fir’awn’s attempt to weaken the message of Mūsa عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام by portraying him as a powerful sorcerer whose intentions threaten the political and social order of Egypt. 

Fir’awn’s chiefs suggest gathering magicians from across the land, confident that their skills can match or overpower Mūsa’s miracles. Fir’awn’s promises of rewards and honour for the magicians underscore his fear of losing authority. In agreeing to meet publicly, Mūsa عَلَیهِ‌السَّلام accepts Fir’awn’s challenge, embodying trust in Allāh عَزَّوَجَلَّ. This lesson reflects on the futility of Fir’awn’s resistance against divine power and the consequences of rejecting truth out of arrogance and fear.

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