The Buzz on Bank Automation News

Customer service systems often automate call recording and processing analysis, but you can tell a lot by detecting just the tone of a conversation.

Show Notes

Customer service systems often automate call recording and processing analysis, but you can tell a lot by detecting just the tone of a conversation. 
Los Angeles-based Behavioral Signals says its technology is more effective than humans at determining empathy and intention. Rather than attempting to detect the actual words being said and how they’re used, there is the “acoustic” content of a conversation, Chief Executive Rana Gujral tells Bank Automation News in this episode of “The Buzz” podcast, which provides a brief intro to the technology. 
Behavioral Signals was founded in 2016 and with its tone determination technology, the company seeks to match each customer with the right service employee. 
“In a conversation, there are two big elements,” Gujral says. “One is the spoken word, and then everything else that’s behind the spoken word or beyond the spoken word.” 
Behavioral Signals’ technology measures conversational elements in real time, he tells BAN, and can place information in “buckets” of emotions, behaviors and propensities. From those elements and indicators, the company’s systems can determine tone and empathy 15% more accurately than a human. 
Bank Automation Summit Fall 2022, taking place Sept. 19-20 in Seattle, is a crucial event on automation and automation technology in banking. Learn more and register for Bank Automation Summit Fall 2022

What is The Buzz on Bank Automation News?

The new podcast covering current trends and intriguing topics in automation and beyond courtesy of Bank Automation News, the definitive source for insights and news surrounding automation in financial services.

Formerly Bank Innovation, since 2009 Bank Automation News has been at the forefront of tracking the evolution of digital banking. With the future of innovation pointing to opportunities in automation, we have transitioned the focus of our coverage to continue to provide insights and information that guide industry professionals to better results.

Automation is the next frontier of financial services technology. It will improve or transform most banking processes from customer experience to compliance, lending solutions and investment. Automation technology will create the greatest transformation at financial institutions since the digitization of financial services in the wake of the Credit Crisis. Banks that are not already investing in automation technologies must begin shifting their focus to remain competitive. This transition requires investment in training and educational resources.

Bank Automation News is the first and only news and education source dedicated to fostering this emerging segment of financial services technology.