On this week's episode of Doc Talks, we sit down with J.D. McCabe. He is the author of his memoir "The Third Gift." JD led a somewhat everyday life until he started on a weight-loss journey. He started taking protein powder to assist with his workouts. Within a matter of months, he had lost 40 plus pounds and became very sick. He found that his wife had been putting cyanide in his powder in a foiled attempt to kill him. His story has a lot of crazy twists and turns. You don't want to miss it! You can find JD at: IG: @thethirdgift TikTok: @thethirdgift Https://linkt.ree/thethirdgift You can find Doc Brian at: https://direct.me/doc-brian Twitter: talksdoc TikTok: the_doc_brian IG: the_doc_brian https://www.facebook.com/doctalkswithdocb https://www.instagram.com/doctalkswithdocb/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/doc-talks-with-dr-brian-sheppard/id1536345675 https://open.spotify.com/show/1qSaIZ2lsOKDtL4ueox7FY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6prIruH_Izrrx-0MWqJm9w/ https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=586625&refid=stpr https://www.deezer.com/show/1941482
Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling Psychology and Minister, Dr. Brian Sheppard hosts Doc Talks, which features a guest who reviews their trauma and goes over diagnosis and treatment