Love, Truth & Freedom

Welcome to this one off series Shadows To Light. I am so excited to explore all my favourite topics with you. If your on the path to wholeness you don’t want to miss this series broken down into bite size listens… so you can listen anytime anywhere.  

Bring your shadows to light with the freedom game -

What is Love, Truth & Freedom?

Welcome to Love, Truth and Freedom. Making the subconscious conscious. Where your embodiment psychologist and host Elizabeth Forshaw is sharing truth from love for freedom.

Elizabeth specialises in human behaviour is the creator of the yous within you archetypes, merge to wholeness. Heart led straight talk no BS.

Here you will expand your consciousness and improve happiness in your life as a whole.

You’ll find deep insight into everyday challenges faced on the path to wholeness, get those ah ha moments and find tools you can implement now. You can expect to feel inspired, empowered and in your heart after listening.

Covering psychology, somatics, spirituality, esoterics, mythology childhood societal ancestral trauma, subconscious mind, vibration and human behaviour.

This is the podcast for your growth, together we rise.

This podcast is sponsored by Trinity

Play The Freedom Game Now For Free -

3 Week Experience - Harmony - Limited Places Get The Early Bird Now -

Elizabeth is live with you each week with a brand new topic to support you on your journey. Grow with Elizabeth at True Self Collective - Join us here -