The Melinda Eitzen Show

While planning a wedding is fun, planning for the success of your marriage is WISE. Money is what couples fight about more than anything. It is what breaks up relationships and marriages. Taking the time to get on the same page financially establishes a healthy foundation for the start of the marriage. The four letter word might just be…LOVE. Lisa Duffee and Melinda Eitzen discuss reasons for prenups and different types of prenups on the Melinda Eitzen show.

Show Notes

While planning a wedding is fun, planning for the success of your marriage is WISE.
Money is what couples fight about more than anything. It is what breaks up relationships and marriages. Taking the time to get on the same page financially establishes a healthy foundation for the start of the marriage. The four letter word might just be…LOVE.
Lisa Duffee and Melinda Eitzen discuss reasons for prenups and different types of prenups on the Melinda Eitzen show.

What is The Melinda Eitzen Show?

The Melinda Eitzen Show is a podcast from the perspective of a seasoned Divorce Lawyer discussing all things Divorce and Divorce adjacent including mental health, substance abuse, children and families, school issues for children including proper accommodations for children who need them. Melinda will also have guests who discuss nondivorce topics to help improve our lives.