KTLF Ministry Partners

National Collection Week is almost here! This year, November 13–20, 2023 is the week to drop off your Operation Christmas Child shoebox at one of over 4,500 drop-off locations open across the country...including the studios of KTLF Radio in Colorado Springs! 

Elly Singer chats again with Amanda from OCC about National Collection Week as well as how the program makes sure that each child who wil be receiving a shoebox in just a few weeks will have the opportunity to hear about salvation in Christ, and also will have access to a discipleship program. 

Creators & Guests

Elly Singer
Johnathon Eltrevoog
Tom Kjeldgaard

What is KTLF Ministry Partners?

A showcase of the ministry partners with KTLF Radio Network. Hear the stories and impact that you have when engaging with KTLF and its partners.