Bearing Witness with Anthony and Georgia

This week, Anthony and Georgia catch up on the weeks news and discuss the letter from Attorney General Ellison to the Judge in the Chauvin Trial asking for a correction of the record. We also checkin with Racial Reckoning reporters Tiffany Bui and Safiya Mohamed on how they are covering this moment.

Show Notes

Racial Reckoning: The Arc of Justice is a journalism initiative, created by Ampers, KMOJ, and the Minnesota Humanities Center, covering the trials of the former Minneapolis police officers charged with the murder of George Floyd, the community’s response, and the changes needed to create a more just society.
Bearing Witness is produced with support from the Minnesota Art’s and Cultural Heritage Fund. Online at

What is Bearing Witness with Anthony and Georgia?

Bearing Witness with Anthony Galloway and Georgia Fort is a production of Racial Reckoning: The Arc of Justice, a journalism project created and supported by Ampers, Diverse Radio for Minnesota's Communities, in partnership with KMOJ Radio and The Minnesota Humanities Center and produced with support from the Minnesota Art’s and Cultural Heritage Fund.