Callum Walker | Figuring It Out

When I first started coaching, I really had this imposter syndrome about how much I knew as a coach. 

The lack of knowledge caused me to doubt my coaching, which caused me to procrastinate when it came to growing my business. I knew everything I needed to do to grow my business, but I wouldn’t do it… And really, this was because I was petrified of having my lack of knowledge exposed if I put myself out there. 

So the imposter syndrome was the biggest thing holding me and my business back...

To overcome that, I knew I needed to learn more, but no matter how hard I tried, I'd just get overwhelmed with not knowing where to start, or what it was specifically that I needed to learn in the firest place, meant even if I started, I couldn’t be consistent, which left me feeling like a failure and prolonged the imposter syndrome...

But... I figured out a simple and consistent method to level up my knowledge.

This step by step process allowed me to remove the overwhelm of not knowing where to start, gave me clarity on what I needed to learn and allowed me to be consistent. 

But more importantly, because I was consistent, my knowledge levelled up, which meant the imposter syndrome went away, my fear of being exposed was no longer there and I finally put myself out there to grow my business

In this episode I run through what that method is, but more importantly how I'm going to be using this method for you in the podcast so that you can avoid overwhelm, stay consistent with your learning and eliminate imposter syndrome for good.

What is Callum Walker | Figuring It Out?

Welcome to The Figuring It Out Podcast. 

At 22, I took the plunge to go on the entrepreneurial journey and start a fitness business, 7 years later I’d been the nutritionist for 2 elite sports clubs and private coach to some of the worlds best sportsmen and women. 

Now it’s my mission to show fitness coaches how you can put yourself in a league of their own, become the go to coach, and finally eliminate the self-doubt and imposter syndrome that's holding you back from building the business of your dreams. 

This podcast will help you figure out how to thrive and conquer the fear that comes with the lonely entrepreneurial journey.