The Business of Authority

How you handle that first scope meeting (or two) with a client will drive both parties’ satisfaction for the duration of your work.

Show Notes

What is scope and when do you talk about it with your client?
How to make it clear that you’re a consultant, not an order taker.
Scoping with (and without) value pricing.
The relationship between mastery, value and scoping.
Shifting from doing full implementation to strategy and project oversight (hint: it starts in the scoping meeting).
“Push it back to: what is the desired business outcome here or the transformation you’re looking for?”—JS 
“You can feel good about your services at a lot of different price points.” —RM 
“It’s super important to scope last and not go into the sales meeting assuming that you need to find a way to convince the client to pay you to do your thing.”—JS 
“We can all find a way to strip off the things that we really love and focus on just selling those.”—RM

What is The Business of Authority?

How to make a living while you’re making a difference.

A weekly show for independent professionals who want to go from six-figures to seven while increasing their impact on the world.