Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski

I share with you my strategies that I use to make friends with my monkeys.
You will discover:
- how to direct your mental energy wisely
- why we keep thinking the same thoughts
- what thoughts really are
- how to better manage our thoughts
- my biggest epiphany in the beginning of my spiritual journey
- how to develop new thinking habits
- what many people get wrong about meditation
- one habit that completely changed the way my mind works
Detailed show notes:

Show Notes

Do you also struggle with a very active mind and obsessive thinking?

Do you keep thinking the same thoughts over and over again?

Do people often tell you “you think too much”?

Yup, I feel ya.

I have also been blessed with many hyperactive monkeys in my head.

And I say “blessed”, because the solution is not to kill the monkeys, but to learn how to use them wisely.

In this episode, I share with you my experience and strategies that I use to make friends with my trillion thoughts.

You will discover:

- how to direct your mental energy wisely

- why we keep thinking the same thoughts

- what thoughts really are

- how to better manage our thoughts

- my first personal development book

- my biggest epiphany in the beginning of my spiritual journey

- how to develop new thinking habits

- how to make friends with your obsessive mind

- what many people get wrong about meditation

- how i started meditating

- one habit that completely changed my life and the way my mind works

- the best way to use all that mental energy

- one experience that opened up a completely new understanding of dealing with my active mind

Detailed show notes:


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What is Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski?

The Live Your Heart Out Podcast is all about personal growth and lifestyle design for wild hearts, soulpreneurs and change-makers. It is a deep dive into the exploration of what it means to live a meaningful life. Conni Biesalski is a queer creative entrepreneur, blogger, YouTuber, vegan Yogi and digital nomad. Her mission is to show people that it is safe to be themselves.
The show features a mix of solo musings in Conni's raw+real, unplugged style as well as interviews with inspiring humans. Topics include personal development, raising consciousness, plant-based health, creativity, entrepreneurship, LGBTQ issues, holistic living, relationships, sex..all the good stuff!
Learn and master practical principles to upgrade your mind,
expand your soul, create massive energy in your body and kick ass in your business – so you can go out and impact other people’s lives.
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