Gabbing Girl Time

Gabbing Girl Time Trailer Bonus Episode 118 Season 1

GGT_ep118 DRAG SURVIVOR WINNER. Colin Butte’ +18 Mature

GGT_ep118 DRAG SURVIVOR WINNER. Colin Butte’ +18 MatureGGT_ep118 DRAG SURVIVOR WINNER. Colin Butte’ +18 Mature

Jenn and Gail talk about Colin Butte’s rise in drag to winning Drag Survivor.  The girls talk about what it took for Jenn to win the competition. The drag community. Jenn’s strategy to win drag survivor and what she entailed to get there. We discuss the amazing and incredible, Morphine drip. Gail’s impression of Colin Butte’ winning the drag survivor. What’s in the future for Colin Butte’ ? Listen to the rest of the show and look for Drag survivor on YouTube.  Like and follow us on social media. @brusiedtonsils @brattiebutte’ @brattievonbeaverhausen @gabbinggailtime feel free to email us at

What is Gabbing Girl Time?

Dynamic Duo Gail and Jenn , a couple of mature fun gal-pals spill the tea about what its like to navigate being multifaceted women living in alternative lifestyles. Sharing their life experiences they hope to Inform, enlighten, and entertain as you listen in to their weekly adventures on Gabbing Girl Time.

Content is intended for mature audiences. Listeners' discretion is advised.