Future is Blue

In today's episode we recap what are the measures that the EU has taken to confront the energy crisis and what are the chances of success, featuring Miguel Gil Tertre, Chief Economist at DG Energy, European Commission and Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director. The show is presented by Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Future is blue host.

Show Notes

These are the specific questions that we cover in today's show:
1. What are the latest EU decisions or announcements concerning energy markets?
2. To what extent will these measures appease inflationary pressures?
3. Is a recession in the EU unavoidable, in light of the trends in gas markets?
4. What are the key areas where further progress is needed in order for the EU to reach the goal of strategic autonomy with respect to energy?

What is Future is Blue?

Future is blue is a series of podcasts promoted by Funcas Europe bringing together academia, think tanks and policymakers for a more inspiring debate about European economic affairs