Quiz and Hers

In the season 13 finale, it’s another weird Hallie theme, because she’s written six trivia questions about people named Carmen. We also talk martial arts, troubling literature, and terrible TV!

Show Notes

In the season 13 finale, it’s another weird Hallie theme, because she’s written six trivia questions about people named Carmen. We also talk martial arts, troubling literature, and terrible TV!

3:03: Q1 (Music): The opera Carmen is based on an 1845 novella by what French writer, a pioneer of the novella who also wrote La Venus d’Ille and Colomba?

10:06: Q2 (Times & Places): Carmen Kass is a model who also ran for the European Parliament after her homeland joined the European Union in 2004.  Name this country, bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland and to the west by the Baltic Sea.

17:46: Q3 (Sports & Games): In 2013, Carmen Marton became Australia’s first world champion in what Korean martial art, which emphasizes punching and kicking techniques?

28:49: Q4 (Arts & Literature): In what 1955 novel is the title character really named Dolores although the unreliable narrator sometimes also calls her Carmen?

39:36: Q5 (Movies & TV): Carmen Electra’s breakthrough acting role was as Lani McKenzie in what action-drama TV show, which began in 1989 and moved settings in 1999 from L.A. to Hawaii?

50:29: Q6 (Everything Else): What company’s logo features the tutti-frutti hat worn by Carmen Miranda in the film The Gang’s All Here?

Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Massive Late Fee Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/massive-late-fee/id1439705386

Brain Ladle Podcast: http://www.brainladletrivia.com/

Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts 

What is Quiz and Hers?

The trivia podcast where we test each other's knowledge, and the strength of our relationship.