Cloud 9fin

Debt purchasers must soon decide how they plan on addressing upcoming maturity walls, but they are facing scrutiny over their business models.

For this week’s episode of our podcast, host Sammy Cole sits down with 9fin’s Nathan Mitchell and Matthew Hughes to talk through debt purchaser predicaments, their options and predictions for the years ahead.

“Our attention has been on three key players – Intrum, Lowell, and AFE. They all face similar challenges so it will be fascinating to see who emerges as the winner(s)”

What is Cloud 9fin?

Get the download on debt markets with Cloud 9fin, where our team pulls back the curtain on corporate credit and gives you the inside scoop on leveraged finance, private credit, distressed debt and everything in between.

Through its AI-powered data and analytics platform, 9fin provides everything you need to get your head around credit or win a mandate — all in one place. We help subscribers win business, outperform their peers and save time.

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