Redemption to the Nations Church

In this sermon, Kevin Wallace explores the story from 2 Kings chapter 8 about the prophet Elisha and the Shunammite woman. He emphasizes the themes of faith, divine restoration, and the power of prophetic words. Wallace highlights how Elisha's miracles, which were double those of his mentor Elijah, signify increased spiritual blessings. He also stresses the importance of passing on faith and blessings to future generations. The story of the Shunammite woman, who made room for the prophetic in her life and experienced the restoration of her son and property, serves as a powerful example of God's faithfulness and the assurance that trials have an expiration date set by God.

What is Redemption to the Nations Church?

Redemption to the Nations Church aspires to become the most loving church in the world. Our purpose is to demonstrate the Kingdom of God and we exist to become a global voice that crosses every racial, generational, and socio-economic barrier by evangelizing and restoring people from all walks of life through the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.