Yah Lah BUT...

Recently, streaming platform Netflix came under a firestorm of criticism from the LGBTQ+ community both outside the company and internally, with transgender Netflix staff planning a walkout on 20th October. All this was caused by the launch of Dave Chapelle’s final standup comedy special on their platform, which contained “transphobic” content, and the CEO’s defense of the material in spite of the backlash. Why is everyone closely watching this controversy, and why would it matter to someone in Singapore? Elsewhere, the Hooters franchise unveiled a new uniform for their servers that ruffled feathers, so much so that they had to backtrack on the implementation of these uniforms.
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YLB's own TikTok featuring 2 boom-llenials attempting to connect with Gen Z uwu
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Comedian Dave Chapelle’s Netflix special ignites “transphobia” controversy
Netflix Trans Employees Plan Walkout Over Dave Chappelle Special | Variety
A timeline of Netflix's Dave Chapelle special fallout | sfgate
Ted Sarandos' Defense of Dave Chappelle Special Misses the Point | Variety
Dave Chappelle’s ‘The Closer’ Is Not a Simple Victim-Bully Story | The Atlantic
Actually, Netflix, Content Like Dave Chappelle’s Transphobic Comedy Special Does “Directly Translate To Real World Harm” | Yahoo
Family of trans woman who Dave Chapelle in Netflix special said was hounded to death for defending his jokes in 2019 slam woke mob trying to cancel him: Sister says you can't 'demand everyone see it your way' | Daily Mail
Netflix's support of Dave Chappelle is setting a dangerous precedent. Here's why. | USA Today
Dave Chappelle Accomplished Exactly What He Wanted To | Slate
Dave Chappelle vs. trans people vs. Netflix | Vox
Hooters staff complain that their new uniforms are inappropriate
Hooters amends uniform policy after employees condemn ‘disturbing’ new shorts
One Shiok Comment

Comment from GoldGene3631
Comment from cutegirlgirl39
One Shiok Thing

How do lava lamps help with Internet encryption? | Cloudflare
#1718 - Dr Sanjay Gupta | The Joe Rogan Experience

Show Notes

Recently, streaming platform Netflix came under a firestorm of criticism from the LGBTQ+ community both outside the company and internally, with transgender Netflix staff planning a walkout on 20th October. All this was caused by the launch of Dave Chapelle’s final standup comedy special on their platform, which contained “transphobic” content, and the CEO’s defense of the material in spite of the backlash. Why is everyone closely watching this controversy, and why would it matter to someone in Singapore? Elsewhere, the Hooters franchise unveiled a new uniform for their servers that ruffled feathers, so much so that they had to backtrack on the implementation of these uniforms.


Find us here!

  • Our YLB Subreddit for detailed show notes and mindblowing discussions!
  • YLB's own TikTok featuring 2 boom-llenials attempting to connect with Gen Z uwu
  • Our YLB YouTube channel to watch videos of all our guest interviews!


Comedian Dave Chapelle’s Netflix special ignites “transphobia” controversy


Hooters staff complain that their new uniforms are inappropriate

One Shiok Comment

One Shiok Thing

What is Yah Lah BUT...?

The most uncensored conversations about censorable things coming out from the much-censored country of Singapore. Hosted by Haresh & Terence from the comedy house Ministry of Funny.