The Insurance Institute of Business and Home Safety (IBHS) does a lot more than most people think, and their Research Center--located in Chester County, South Carolina--is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that significantly advances building science and influences residential and commercial structural design and construction, helping to create more resilient communities. Listen here to learn all about it!

For any FORTIFIED questions following this episode, visit or call Knockout Inspections at 855-GO-FOR-KO.

What is The FORTIFIED Factor?

An AI assisted podcast discussing all things resilient, reliable and severe-weather ready as it pertains to one of of your most important investments: YOUR HOME! This is a work product of Knockout Inspections. Our company has a team of in-house FORTIFIED Evaluators ready to answer any and all of your questions. Give us a call at 855-GO-FOR-KO, or visit