NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast

In this episode of the NNSW Prayer Conference 2023 podcast, the speaker, Justin, reads from Ellen White's Testimonies to the Church, Volume 4, and shares personal reflections on the role of suffering in purifying God's people.

He emphasizes learning from trials and leaning on God for strength and guidance. The speaker also shares a quote from Faith I Live By, expressing the belief that God leads his children in a way that they would choose if they could see the end from the beginning.

The episode ends with a prayer for faithfulness and trust in God during difficult times and the hope of ultimately understanding the purpose of our trials when we are with Him in heaven.

Join us in listening to this episode and be inspired by Justin's reflections on the power of suffering and faith in shaping us into the people God wants us to be. His words encourage you to trust God's guidance and provision, even amid arduous circumstances.

What is NNSW Prayer Conference Podcast?

Welcome to the NNSW Prayer Conference podcast channel, where we bring you powerful messages, uplifting worship, and sweet fellowship from this incredible event.