Indiana. For the Bold.

In this high-octane episode of "Indiana For The Bold", we're shifting gears to discuss the riveting world of high-speed autonomy. As we explore the crossroads where technology meets adrenaline, we delve into the groundbreaking advancements in autonomous vehicle technology. Our guide on this exhilarating journey is none other than Paul Mitchell, president of the Indiana Autonomous Challenge (IAC), an entity at the forefront of revolutionizing mobility on the racetrack.

Paul Mitchell brings an insider's perspective on how Indiana is fueling innovation in this tech-driven race to the future. The IAC, a competitive racing spectacle featuring autonomous cars, is not just entertainment; it's a hotbed for technological advancement. Paul takes us under the hood to examine the remarkable contributions the IAC is making toward the development of high-speed, autonomous vehicles and the vast potential this holds for the industry at large.

What you’ll learn:
1. Indiana is driving the future of mobility through the collaborative ecosystem of the IAC, comprising industry giants, academic experts, and government support, solidifying its position as a hub for autonomous technology development and innovation.

2. The technologies tested in the heat of autonomous racing—like lidar, radar, and cutting-edge AI systems—aren't confined to the track. They're setting the pace for enhancements in consumer vehicle safety and performance, showing a direct line from racetrack experimentation to real-world application.

3. With every race and round of the IAC, a global collective of engineers, students, and researchers are not just competing, they're pushing the envelope of what's possible in high-speed automation, leading to tangible advancements and the cultivation of a skilled workforce primed for the future challenges of the automotive industry.


What is Indiana. For the Bold.?

Indiana isn't a flyover state, it’s the place where innovation with revolutionary change happens.

It's always been in our DNA, and now we're sharing the growth story that is attracting business and a talented workforce to choose Indiana. This is "Indiana. For the Bold.", a podcast brought to you by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation covering the stories of the people, organizations, and businesses together building an economy of the future. You'll hear best practices and compelling leadership trends from those in our entrepreneurship ecosystem, strengthening our built environment, and fostering a strong state economy. In Indiana we are leading extraordinary advancements and discoveries by being bold and it’s time to tell our story.

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