The Fiends

- MNF: 49ers dominate the Goddamn Jets
- Manning cast with Bill
- Pats upset the Bengals 
- Raiders lose to the Chargers
- NFL Redzone recap 
- SJSU vs Air Force
- Oregon vs Boise St
- Colorado Clickbait
- Bama vs USF

Show Notes

- MNF: 49ers dominate the Goddamn Jets
- Manning cast with Bill 
- Pats upset the Bengals 
- Raiders lose to the Chargers
- NFL Redzone recap 
- SJSU vs Air Force
- Oregon vs Boise St
- Colorado Clickbait
- Bama vs USF

What is The Fiends?

West Coast Homers from San Jose State University Caleb Hodgson, Hunter Gore, and Brett Orloff offer a correct blend of fan perspective, film analysis, and degenerate hot takes. They will also dive into some of the week's biggest headlines from around the sports world.