Baywatch Rookie School

S4E4: Blindside. Oops all Pelicans. Have you pet a pelican recently? Some of them are cops and we don't endorse those birds. Fuck those birds. Like Zeus would

Show Notes

 S4E4: Blindside

Oops all Pelicans. Have you pet a pelican recently? Some of them are cops and we don't endorse those birds. Fuck those birds. Like Zeus would.

Reeves's Rating: 1.5
Michael's Rating: 4
Morgan's Rating: 4

Please check out Reeves at!

Episode discussions starts @33:06. Post-episode discussion starts @01:57:18.

Assorted show notes:

@16:44 Pictures of Giant Gonzalez's suit, #1 and #2

@23:14 Dave Meltzer's horrifying room

@33:35 Michael forgot to record it but luckily he pretty much perfectly replicated his voice in his impression

@47:39 Here is the video of Fraiser as The National Morgan was looking for

@59:00 Okay so not on every action but there's a decent amount of farting!

@01:17:30 Here is the shirt on Etsy. But here is where you can actually buy it

@01:19:09 Morgan no

@01:23:05 "I'm gonna murder this child"

@02:02:29 The Garfield cup drama

Art by Katie Rose @kilogramrose

What is Baywatch Rookie School?

A podcast where 2 men—who have never watched Baywatch before—try and watch Baywatch!