The Call to Foster

Shasta, Jessica, and Ashton talk with Missouri Foster Parent Pauline Roberts in this episode. Pauline shares a lot of practical advice and wisdom with for future and current foster parents. She stresses the importance of remembering that foster parents are coming into this family's story at one of the worst possible moments imaginable. These parents love their children and she is passionate about knowing the main goal of foster care, reunification. Listen along as she speaks candidly and whole-heartedly about her journey as a foster parent.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a foster parent, learn how to get started on our website: 

What is The Call to Foster?

The Missouri Department of Social Services is proud to present The Call to Foster, a heartwarming new podcast series that features inspiring stories from foster parents across the state. Each episode will highlight their unique experiences and perspectives, how they overcame hesitations, and provide helpful advice for anyone considering becoming a foster parent. Prepare your heart as you hear first-hand from the compassionate families and individuals working together to make a difference for Missouri’s most vulnerable children.