OurCalling - Our podcast about homelessness

In this episode, Pastor Wayne Walker, CEO of OurCalling, interviews Rodney Lara, Ed Johnson, and Tori Thompson on crucial social issues. They delve into the complexities of homelessness and race in community settings, examining the disproportionate impact on black, particularly older men, and discussing the role of systemic issues, personal choices, and educational disparities. The speakers also explore historical and cultural dynamics, including the effects of segregation, the influence of family structures, and systemic challenges faced by individuals reintegrating from prison. Throughout, they emphasize the necessity of addressing both personal responsibility and systemic injustices to foster equitable opportunities and strengthen community support.


- **Rodney Lara and ED Johnson on Homelessness and Race in the Community (00:00-23:23, 36:26-44:02)**
- Observed a disproportionate number of black homeless individuals, particularly older men, which is shocking and pulls at the heartstrings.
- Noticed the impact of systemic issues and personal choices on homelessness, emphasizing the need for accountability and better life decisions.
- Disparities in education and job opportunities between northern and southern Dallas, affecting exposure and prospects for youth in these communities.
- Talked about generational changes and the decay of community and familial structures that once provided support and guidance.

- **Tori Thompson on Economic and Social Disparities (06:04-07:22, 08:01-09:36)**
- Highlighted the lack of educational and economic opportunities in South Dallas compared to the North, influencing the futures of younger generations.
- Discussed the role of family and upbringing in shaping life choices and opportunities, highlighting the differences in available resources and community support.
- **Discussion on Family Influence and Systemic Challenges (14:49-21:45)**
- Explored how family structures, or the lack thereof, influence individuals’ paths towards or away from homelessness.
- Discussed systemic racism and injustices, including challenges faced by individuals returning from prison who are unable to reintegrate successfully due to ongoing discrimination.
- **Cultural and Historical Insights on Race and Community (31:07-39:43)**
- Examined the historical context of racial segregation and the role of the church in both supporting and undermining racial equality.
- Analyzed the ongoing effects of policies like redlining and educational disparities on African American communities.
The speakers underscored the interconnectedness of personal responsibility, systemic injustice, and community support in addressing homelessness and fostering equitable opportunities.

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Creators & Guests

Wayne Walker
CEO and Pastor Wayne Walker serves as the CEO and Pastor to the homeless at OurCalling. In 2001, Wayne, along with his wife Carolyn, started serving the homeless community in Dallas. They founded OurCalling in 2009. During his youth, Wayne’s family actively pursued the scriptural commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” by modeling the life of Jesus to scores of foster children whose own origins represented generations of human brokenness, dysfunction, sexual exploitation, and abuse. Early exposure to these destructive forces set him on a path to recognize the long-term effects of trauma, which often lead to homelessness. While completing his Master’s Degree in Cross-Cultural Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary, Wayne befriended and ministered to men and women in the homeless community. During that time he began to establish personal, discipleship-oriented relationships with homeless individuals, many in the same urban setting where he and his family continue to work today.
Orange and Teal Productions
Sarah Katherine

What is OurCalling - Our podcast about homelessness?

A Podcast by OurCalling—the goal is to be a learner. What can we learn about serving those experiencing homelessness? Even though we have years of experience, can we step back, take a fresh look, and rethink everything we know? OurCalling is a Christian nonprofit (501 c3) serving the homeless community throughout Dallas County in Texas. Our team helps people get to know Jesus and get off the streets every day. Last year, we helped individuals exit homelessness over 1,300 times. We have a facility in downtown Dallas, and our street outreach teams visit over 4,000 locations throughout the county. We serve about 10,000 individuals experiencing homelessness each year. We partner with the most amazing organizations and recognize that we are stronger when we work together.