Hey all! I'll cut right to the chase. I have to pause the episode schedule for a bit (the audio goes into detail), but stay tuned for future announcements. In the meantime, there's 7 past episodes of this podcast, plus a dozen episodes on my other podcast, No Cameras Allowed. That should tide you over! Plus, I have hundreds of videos on the main Computer Clan YouTube channel, with new episodes coming out every other week (sometimes more). Stay tuned, and thanks for your support! Catch the crazy, and pass it on.
Steve Jobs’ Apple keynote presentations were legendary, and they deserve to be shared! So, Krazy Ken and his friends are teaming up to take you on a journey through the Apple Keynote Chronicles! Join them as they learn about the behind-the-scenes stories, argue about the products, laugh at the bloopers, and relive these momentous events in tech history.