Stillness Everyday

Sam is a dad, husband, chiropractor, charity founder and all round great guy. He is doing heaps himself in the mens mental health space but in this episode he talks up his own relationship with mental health and how he has not let it define him. He talks about the pressure he felt after having his son and also spoke about comparison -- there is so much goodness in this episode!
Get more from Sam here - @grablifebytheballsmovement
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Show Notes

Sam is a dad, husband, chiropractor, charity founder and all round great guy. He is doing heaps himself in the mens mental health space but in this episode he talks up his own relationship with mental health and how he has not let it define him. He talks about the pressure he felt after having his son and also spoke about comparison -- there is so much goodness in this episode!

Get more from Sam here - @grablifebytheballsmovement


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What is Stillness Everyday?

Welcome to the Stillness Everyday podcast where we delve into all aspects of living a life of stillness, from spirituality and optimising your mental health, to health and finance. We discuss finding foods that actually nourish you, investing and finance strategies to assist in financial freedom to reduce the burden of financial stress, meditation practices and ways you can find calm in your day to day.

Our guests each offer their own unique perspectives and world views which we believe will assist you in one way or another. It is our belief that if you can find stillness in these aspects of your life your overall happiness and peace will be enhanced.
