Halt the Harm Podcast

Hi Friends! It's been a while since we released an episode – but we're back with a new season!

This introductory episode introduces you to Krishna Roy, who will be hosting some of the upcoming episodes of the podcast. We talk about the value of getting to know people in the movement beyond what we hear at meetings, rallies, or press conferences.

This season you'll hear some new interviews by Krishna mixed in with some event recorded adapted for the podcast. Please join the conversation around this episode and the podcast in Halt the Harm Network at halttheharm.net

What is Halt the Harm Podcast?

This movement is created by leaders who are inspired to take action. While we are all connecting by our shared goals to fight fracking’s harms, each and every leader brings a different perspective to this fight. And each perspective has a unique story behind it – a story to tell and to inspire.We’ve teamed up with producer Ryan Clover from Eco-Defense Radio to interview leaders in the Halt the Harm Network about everyday life, and what inspires them to action, day in, day out.