The Old School

Dr. Bourgeois and Mr. Miller delve into a topic near and dear to their hearts - the state they call home. Through a series of five questions (six if you push it), the two hosts explore the qualities of the state and the degree to which people outside of Texas understand the 28th state.

After enjoying the educational and cultural exploration of Texas, consider the musings of the hosts regarding a subject near and dear to their hearts - the American education system with their 5-star rated book, The Center Cannot Hold: A Critical Look at Contemporary Education. Available by Ahart Education and exclusively sold at 

What is The Old School?

Dr. Steven Bourgeois and Mr. Ross Miller lead an informal discussion between a current and a former teacher on topics that challenge "best practices" in contemporary education. In keeping with Neil Postman (1979), we support the conserving function of education: “Its aim at all times is to make visible the prevailing biases of a culture and then, by employing whatever philosophies of education are available, to oppose them.”