Texas Agriculture Today

*The northern Texas Panhandle cotton crop is off to a good start.  

*The cotton market is struggling with futures at the lowest levels of 2024.

*Texas High Plains sorghum farmers are having a better time getting the supplies they need.  

*A year-end Farm Bill may be in the works.  

*The weather is still the hot topic in East Texas agriculture.  

*Overreach by the Environmental Protection Agency regarding vehicle emissions standards have led to a lawsuit.  

*There are potential side effects when using Altrenogest in pregnant mares.  

What is Texas Agriculture Today?

Texas Ag Today is a daily look at the latest news in Texas agriculture, hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Carey Martin along with the largest and most experienced farm news team in the Lone Star State. We cover agriculture in every corner of Texas, from the piney woods of East Texas to the rocky ranges of the Trans-Pecos and from the Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley.