The Hampton Roads Experience

Janet Rosson, founder of the Tou Strong Pet Hospice Fund, talks to us about responsible pet ownership, animal rescue, and financial resources that are available to struggling families in Hampton Roads that need help with vet bills.

Show Notes

Janet Rosson discusses how she got involved in animal rescue what resources are available to help pet owner in Hampton Roads, and how you can get involved and help with rescue in the region.  The show breaks halfway and when Joe and Mike return, they answer real estate and mortgage questions for home owners.  Here is a large list of resources available to citizens of Hampton Roads:

Assistance funds:
Tou Strong Fund (senior and terminally ill pets):
To apply for help:  
Animal Resources of Tidewater medical assistance fund: 
Paws in Need – emergency fund: 

Low cost clinics:
Virginia Beach SPCA: 
Norfolk SPCA: 
Chesapeake Humane:
Portsmouth Humane: 
Suffolk Humane: 
No More Chasin Tails: 
PAWS clinic: 
Affordable Veterinary Services: 
PADS – Pet Affordable Dentistry and Surgery:   

Places to look to adopt: 

Norfolk Animal Control and SPCA:  
Virginia Beach Animal Control and SPCA: 
Chesapeake Animal Control: 
Chesapeake Humane: 
Portsmouth Humane: 
Animal Aide Society: 
Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter: 
Suffolk Animal Control / Humane: 
Isle of Wight: 
South Hampton County: 
Heritage Humane: 
A list of some other groups:  
Rehoming your pet tips:

What is The Hampton Roads Experience?

Mike and Joe interview a variety of guests who live and work in Hampton Roads and discuss all kinds of issues and topics to bring you an authentic Hampton Roads Experience.