Austin Next

Fostering connectivity within an innovation ecosystem is crucial for its ongoing vitality and growth. Often revolutionary concepts emerge from the most unforeseen origins. My guest, Elle Beecher, founded The Board Walks, where community and innovation unite through a simple yet powerful concept—a five-mile walk. In this episode, we explore this social experiment, examine how these walks serve as catalysts for creative collisions, and bring back the intellectual dynamism of Paris in the ‘20s.
Episode Highlights
  • Drawing inspiration from the 1920s Parisian cafe culture, Elle crafted The Board Walks to ignite creative collisions in Austin, offering a fresh, organic approach to networking.
  • Curiosity stands at the heart of Elle's vision; she champions the idea that bringing together inquisitive minds sparks deeper, more meaningful dialogues.
  • Though spontaneous in nature, The Board Walks are intentionally designed with playbooks and guidelines to foster genuine connections and fruitful discussions.
  • Overheard dialogues during the walks resonate with Austin's innovative aura, reminiscent of Paul Graham's "eavesdropping quality" notion from his 2008 Cities essay.
  • The walks serve as a platform for attendees to not only build professional relationships but also to delve into personal narratives and aspirations.
  • Given its success in Austin, Elle envisions taking The Board Walks to other cities, like San Francisco, while ensuring the preservation of its foundational values and communal essence.
  • What’s next Austin? “More creative collisions that will bring about Paris in the 20s energy.”

Elle Beecher: Website, LinkedIn, X/Twitter, Instagram
The Board Walks: Website, X/Twitter, Instagram
“Cities and Ambition” by Paul Graham

Austin Next Links: Website, X/Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn

What is Austin Next?

Austin's evolution into a global innovation superstar is at the heart of Austin Next. We uncover insights into the region's transformation and what it means for ecosystem building.

Our exploration extends to emerging trends, technologies, and their convergence. Using Austin as our real-world case study and experts from around the world, we aim to understand the true nature and mechanics of innovation.