The Next Gen Call Center

The call center industry is undergoing a major transformation driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI). But is AI a magic bullet for cutting costs?

In a recent video, we dive into these questions with Mark McKercher, CEO of CX by Us, which is an advisory company focused on call centers. Formerly Mark has held leadership positions at Roku, Samsung, Google, and Amazon.

Here are some takeaways

AI is on the rise, but temper expectations on cost savings.
McKercher advises against overpromising immediate savings from AI solutions.

Focus on customer experience first. Don’t let AI overshadow the human element in customer service.

Data governance is critical. Ensure your data is organized and accessible before deploying AI.

Balance stakeholder needs. Be transparent with leadership about the time it takes to see ROI from AI.

Empower your agents.
AI should augment agents, not replace them. Make sure they understand this.

What is The Next Gen Call Center?

The Next Gen Call Center interviews leading subject matter experts to discuss the most important trends, technologies, and best practices shaping the call center landscape.