Seedtable Podcast | European Tech, VC & Startups

A conversation with Fabrizio Rinaldi and Francesco Di Lorenzo, founders of Mailbrew; a Milan-based company that compiles all your favorite feeds, writers, and newsletters in a daily email digest.

Show Notes

Hey everyone, this is your host Gonz, and welcome to another episode of the Seedtable podcast, where we try to make sense of what is going on in European technology.

Today I’m doing things a bit different and bringing you two guests instead of one: Fabrizio Rinaldi and Francesco Di Lorenzo, founders of Mailbrew; a Milan-based company that compiles all your favorite feeds, writers, and newsletters in a daily email digest. 

I’ve been a fan of the Mailbrew team for some time now, so it was an absolute pleasure to sit down with these guys to talk. 

We cover absolutely everything: Fabri & Fran’s origin story, and the path that led them to build Mailbrew; Why an obsessive focus on design matters so much; the Italian tech ecosystem, the advantages of running a bootstrapped company; why Fabri & Fran decided to raise money from Earnest Capital and much, much more.

Though our conversation was a bit shorter than my usual episodes, Fabri & Fran absolutely delivered. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

What is Seedtable Podcast | European Tech, VC & Startups?

Welcome to the Seedtable podcast, where we try to make sense of what's going on in European technology by having fascinating conversations with European founders, investors and operators.