The Modern Manager

Your voice is the most powerful tool you own! When you are confident in who you are and grounded in what you’re saying, the words flow with ease. But sometimes, without noticing, our voice betrays us. If we ignore how we speak, we may be undermining the message we’re trying so to hard to convey.
Now, today’s guest is Judith Weinman. Judy is a speech, voice, and communications trainer who helps individuals and corporations cultivate personal and professional communication skills so that they function most optimally.
She has provided individual and group programs to companies including Bloomberg, IBM, Ernst & Young, NYU Business School, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Bank of China, the U.N., and others. She has a background in speech/language pathology and also offers workshops that focus on empowering women's voices, non-native English speakers, and neurolinguistically diverse communicators.
Judy and I talk about how to use your voice to more effectively communicate, including how to be more conscious of your voice, bring greater authenticity into your voice, and demonstrate greater executive presence through voice. 
Members of the Modern Manager community can get one of three available voice coaching sessions with Judy.  Become a member by joining the Modern Manager community.
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Read the related blog article: Why Your Speaking Style Might Be Limiting You At Work
Key Takeaways:

The voice should be grounded in the body for it to sound authentic and trustworthy. 
Breathing opens up constrictions in the body, making the person sound more relaxed. 
Keep your throat open when you speak. People often speak from the throat instead of the chest, making their voice sound strained or weak.
Tone is primal and powerful; we hear tone before understanding words and therefore instinctually pick up meaning from it. 
To become aware of your tone, listen to feedback and notice how people respond to you. 
Develop a flexibility of voice to use in different circumstances. Explore how your

Show Notes

Your voice is the most powerful tool you own! When you are confident in who you are and grounded in what you’re saying, the words flow with ease. But sometimes, without noticing, our voice betrays us. If we ignore how we speak, we may be undermining the message we’re trying so to hard to convey.


Now, today’s guest is Judith Weinman. Judy is a speech, voice, and communications trainer who helps individuals and corporations cultivate personal and professional communication skills so that they function most optimally.


She has provided individual and group programs to companies including Bloomberg, IBM, Ernst & Young, NYU Business School, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Bank of China, the U.N., and others. She has a background in speech/language pathology and also offers workshops that focus on empowering women's voices, non-native English speakers, and neurolinguistically diverse communicators.


Judy and I talk about how to use your voice to more effectively communicate, including how to be more conscious of your voice, bring greater authenticity into your voice, and demonstrate greater executive presence through voice. 


Members of the Modern Manager community can get one of three available voice coaching sessions with Judy.  Become a member by joining the Modern Manager community.


Subscribe to my newsletter to get episodes, articles and free mini-guides delivered to your inbox. 


Read the related blog article: Why Your Speaking Style Might Be Limiting You At Work






Key Takeaways:

  • The voice should be grounded in the body for it to sound authentic and trustworthy. 
  • Breathing opens up constrictions in the body, making the person sound more relaxed. 
  • Keep your throat open when you speak. People often speak from the throat instead of the chest, making their voice sound strained or weak.
  • Tone is primal and powerful; we hear tone before understanding words and therefore instinctually pick up meaning from it. 
  • To become aware of your tone, listen to feedback and notice how people respond to you. 
  • Develop a flexibility of voice to use in different circumstances. Explore how your voice can sound supportive vs directive.
  • Humans think in phrases and clauses not perfect sentences. Pace yourself and breathe as you speak giving you time to craft your thoughts into words. 
  • When we’re nervous, we make ourselves smaller. Open up your chest rather than caving in. 
  • Be supportive by telling your team you believe in their potential while trying to build their communication skills.

What is The Modern Manager?

Host Mamie Kanfer Stewart shares practical approaches to help you be a great manager. Learn more at:

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