Marketing Plugged In Podcast

In the podcast we chat about understanding the main types of distractions and how you can overcome the associated challenges.

Show Notes

Main types of distractions 
  • Our own thoughts - worrying about the past, present and future People - sharing a house or a public space 
  • Devices - emails, notifications, social media, You Tube 
Strategies to improve focus 
  • Exercise - get outdoors! Good for physical and mental health 
  • Make lists and tick off the jobs - great satisfaction to see the list going down 
  • Making lists of distractions and choose a strategy to overcome them 
  • Set a reward and goal 
  • Put a value on your time - such as a financial cost 
  • Hobbies or interests Good music or silence Switching devices and notifications off 
  • A quick nap! 

Helpful tools to improve focus 

We also discuss how research from Harvard University shows daydreaming and mind wandering can benefit problem solving, and we discovered buying new shiny technology is exciting but unhelpful if you forget to adjust the settings!

Apologies for the sound quality it will be fixed from podcast 24 onwards.

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What is Marketing Plugged In Podcast?

A motivational & inspiring podcast helping business overcome marketing challenges recorded live from Netherlands and UK by hosts Marcel Sterk and Darren Winter. We're looking for guests and marketing challenges, get in touch with us via the website or social media!