Disruption Now

While some used their July 4 weekend to celebrate the independence of this nation, some people were engaged in their own stupidity and privilege. From #notmyarial and folks outraged about Betsy Ross flags on some sneakers they weren’t going to by anyway.

We explore what this says about the state of America in 2019.

Show Notes

Patrol Agents joking about migrants racist about Latino lawmakers

Middle School Teacher side job was a ”secret” white supremacist podcast.

White Contractor turned away

July 4th Nike, Kapernick and the original 13 star flag

Racists use science to prove Arial from the little mermaid is black

Notmyarial Twitter

Rapist gets leniency because he from a good family

What is Disruption Now?

A podcast to disrupt common narratives and constructs to empower diverse communities. We provide inspirational content from entrepreneurs and leaders who are disrupting the status quo.