Andrew and Jerry Save The World!

Hunter Biden is convicted of a series of felonies and the major media uses this as an opportunity to prop up the Bidens.  But this is but one example of the rope-a-dope being played against the American people.  Jerry tells a story about the collapse of the rule of law visiting upon his family in a very personal way.  This leads into a discussion of the two-tiered system of justice in America and the weaponization of the law for politics, and how the flowering of lawfare today had its seeds planted during the Obama years: Operation Choke Point, the harassment and prosecution of Chris Christie and his aides - and how that prosection laid the groundwork for using a financial services law (Sarbanes-Oxley) to go after J6 rioters (and those who were merely "Rioter adjacent").  

Speaking of J6 - video has surfaced (finally) of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the chaos on Capitol Hill on January 6, and this leads to a discussion of coups and insurrection, and the affirmative undermining of a presidency by people in the bureaucracy.

And the Supreme Court rules, in another 9-0 decision, that the FDA's approval of an abortion drug can stand.  But this will not quell the left's lies about the court having an out-of-control ideological slant.

Finally, Andrew talks about his high school reunion - and how the potentially well-meaning implementation of "diversity" policies and programs can lead to intense divisions in a community years later.

What is Andrew and Jerry Save The World!?

In a world gone mad, only rationality and common sense can save it! Join seasoned policy professionals and long-time radio hosts Andrew Langer and Jerry Rogers as they bring in-depth discussion and real solutions to the world's most-pressing problems. Andrew and Jerry have decades of experience in both politics and public policy--Jerry is the editor of several sites in the Real Clear family of websites, and Andrew is president of the Institute for Liberty. Every week, they'll take the issues that are ripped from the headlines, break them down, get advice from experts in the field, and give you their bottom line. If substance matters to you, as it does to them, then you'll want to tune in!