Tell Me More

Welcome to an exciting new episode of Tell Me More! We're thrilled to be in the studio this week, delving into the transformative power of Lent and the Psalms of Assent. Our discussion with our pastor has been both enlightening and entertaining, offering a unique insight into his journey and the ways in which God is currently working in his life. We can't wait for you to join us and share in this uplifting conversation. Thank you for being here with us today!

What is Tell Me More?

Tell Me More is a weekly podcast hosted by Katy Reed Hodges and Luke Stehr, where they unpack the Sunday sermon with Dr. Dennis Wiles. This podcast is designed on the premise that Dr. Wiles always has more to say than can fit in a 35 minute sermon - so we have fun discussing it here each week. We hope that in listening you are educated, encouraged and more connected to the pastor and his teaching!