The Just Good Business Podcast

FarmWorks Investment Co-operative Limited was incorporated as a for-profit Co-operative on May 18, 2011, by community leaders concerned about social, economic and cultural needs. FarmWorks lends Shareholder funds to qualifying food-related businesses across Nova Scotia.  FarmWorks investors are making a significant difference in the year-round availability of food from field to fork for Nova Scotians. 

As of October 31, 2022 FarmWorks has loaned the cumulative amount of $8,146,541 in subordinated debt financing to 148 Nova Scotian businesses to assist them to grow, process, deliver and serve healthy local foods and beverages. FarmWorks clients contribute significantly to the life and economy of Nova Scotia.

To learn more about FarmWorks, visit

Growing up in Somerset in the Annapolis Valley, Linda Best was one of five children who grew up on a mixed farm — dairy, apples, and field crops — learning early on the importance of fresh local food. Upon graduating from Acadia University, Linda began her career as a medical microbiologist at the QEII Health Sciences Centre, then as a gastroenterology researcher, peer-reviewed author, speaker, supervisor, and consultant.

During her 40-year career at the QEII, Linda never forgot her upbringing on the farm and came to understand that one of the most effective ways to prevent illness is to ensure that nutritious food is available to everyone. Aware of the decreasing production of food in Nova Scotia, she helped to found Friends of Agriculture in Nova Scotia and organized the 2009 Nova Scotia Food Summit, attended by over 200 delegates. This summit planted the seeds for FarmWorks.

As a founding director, Linda continues to volunteer her time to support the vision of healthy farms, healthy food.

To get in contact with Linda, find her on LinkedIn:

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What is The Just Good Business Podcast?

A show dedicated to defining, demystifying, and making the work of Social Enterprises more accessible to the Nova Scotian business community. We learn alongside our listeners by interviewing local entrepreneurs who’ve decided to use business for good, and who value prosperity beyond profit. Nova Scotians who want to shape their businesses to benefit communities, culture, and the environment.

Who knows? You may be closer to running a Social Enterprise than you think!