We Are Ankeny

Changes to secondary math and computer science are scheduled for the 2023-24 academic school year. Carol Eddy, Director of Curriculum and Innovation shares the updated curriculum and how the changes will benefit students and teachers alike.

Show Notes

Dr. Erick Pruitt invites Carol Eddy, Director of Curriculum and Innovation back to the podcast to talk about the upcoming changes Ankeny Schools is making to the secondary math and computer science curriculum. The goal is to have kids understand they are all "math people" even if it looks different from one student to another. The changes for the 2023-24 academic school year to the Ankeny Schools math and computer science curriculum will provide a clear pathway for students with parent and counselor input - to navigate for successful post graduation plans. 

What is We Are Ankeny?

Let's talk about... Ankeny Community School District!
Superintendent, Dr. Erick Pruitt is your host as he talks about all things Ankeny Schools with staff, students and community members.