GA Baptist Discipleship

We need disciple-makers in our lives if we want to be disciple-makers! This broadcast talks about the challenge of admitting our loneliness to engage in relationships with other disciple-makers. Join Carl Johnson, Leadership Development Pastor at Peace Baptist Church in Decatur, GA, and JR Neal, Minister of Discipleship and Missions at First Baptist Church of Moultrie, GA discuss how to engage with others disciple-makers near you. To belong we all need to be noticed, be named, and known. Hear about how a Learning Community near you can help you belong!

Loneliness Stats in America:
1. Loneliness has adverse health effects equal to smoking 15 cigarettes a day
2. 1/3 of people in marriages are lonely
3. 35% say they have no one to turned to when they are stressed.
4. Gen Z reported 79% felt lonely in 2019 compared to Silent Gen at 38%
5. Over 60% of young adults have less than 3 meaningful adult interactions a day

Show Notes 

What is GA Baptist Discipleship?

This podcast exists to strengthen churches by resourcing, inspiring, and creating disciple-makers! Discipleship is a life-long process by which a follower of Jesus Christ grows toward Christ-likeness and multiplies the experience. Each week we will broadcast new episodes relevant to your ministry and replicating discipleship.