Trve. Cvlt. Pop!

Welcome back to Trve. Cvlt. Pop! the music podcast, this week Steve and Gaz look back at a world where there was no podcast! The horror of it all! What would we have spoken about if there was one back in those years? Well, let us tell you. We head back to 2015 and motor all the way up to 2022, to pick one album from each year that we feel we would have gone mad for if we had been doing the podcast at that time. 

Expect pure jazz, heartland indie punk, stadium pop, experimental rap, classic house, synthwave and more.

We also chat about a banger from lost Aussie crossover crew 28 Days and wonder who had a shittier Coachella; Blur or Grimes.
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What is Trve. Cvlt. Pop!?

Trve. Cvlt. Pop! Is a music podcast that doesn’t care about genre.