Future of Mobility

Could the future of mobility lie in shared modes of transport rather than personal vehicles? If the success of Netflix is any indicator, the future of urban mobility might very well be centred on shared transportation. MaaS models are forecasted to empower a new reality for urban mobility by ensuring equity and reducing traffic congestion, helping cities all over the world achieve their social and environmental goals.

What is Future of Mobility?

Frictionless, automated, personalized travel on demand – we are steadily approaching the emergence of a new ecosystem in mobility; one that is safer, sustainable, and more inclusive for consumers. In our Future of Mobility series, we bring you key insights from top executives from both the public and private sectors – decision-makers, innovators and shapers pushing the envelope on future developments within Mobility and beyond. Have any questions? Reach out to us at seapodcast@deloitte.com #deloittevoices