UCL Future Cities

There are two sides to the gentrification debate and in Episode 2 of Future Cities, we are discussing how London is a city of paradoxes. We'll be looking at the system of gentrification in-depth: at the positives outcomes of urban development, plus the negative impacts it has on marginalised communities.

Show Notes

Gentrification has become synonymous with London. While being a system of development, gentrification has created a city of paradoxes. In this episode, we'll be examining how can a city like London contain such extreme divisions between wealth and poverty? Why do we keep building homes that no one can afford? Is it possible to do gentrification in a better, fairer way?

Listen to special guests Professor Christoph Lindner, Dean of The Bartlett, UCL’s Faculty of the Built Environment, Hannah Sender, Research Fellow at the UCL Institute of Global Prosperity and Thul Khan, Housing Solicitor at the UCL Integrated Legal Advice Clinic discuss this and more.

Transcript and show notes: www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-minds/podcasts/ucl-future-cities

What is UCL Future Cities?

In this new series, UCL Future Cities explores the complexity of urban living. We’ll be examining today’s most crucial topics and how technology, climate change, health and society all interconnect with the urban spaces of tomorrow. Listen to cutting edge conversations from experts who ask what the future of our cities might be and how new research and applied innovation can help.

In this first six-part series, we’re looking at London and what the future holds for the city’s many communities.

Tune in every Thursday for discussions on gentrification, city planning, and the effects of Brexit and coronavirus on the capital, plus much more.